Breathing Techniques To Access Higher Consciousness

Breathing plays such an important part in how we feel. You heard it before, I am sure:



Take this lesson as a reminder of how important and beneficial conscious deliberate breathing is to stimulate parts of the brain that bring higher states of consciousness into your day to day life.

***BUT, before you go any further, click on the following link and read the article about Hyperventilation to spare you the risk of taking the below exercises too far:


*** Choose ONE of the below exercises, depending on what brainwave state you would like to reach.

1) Take deep long breaths from start to finish, filling and emptying your lungs FULLY.

2) I recommend you imagine breathing in white light energy or any other color of your preference for added positive effect of color therapy.

3) You can also imagine white light (or your preferred color) all around you.


In mouth - out mouth x 10 times, on the tenth breath inhale, hold your breath in for as long as possible until you can feel the body automatically deflating.

Great breathing/state when you are working on healing physical issues related to muscles, nerves, connective tissues, and on releasing limiting believes, conflicting beliefs.


In mouth - out nose x 10 times, on the tenth inhale, hold your breath in for as long as possible until you can feel the body automatically deflating.

This exercise works great when you are working on Emotional Healing, clearing energies you took on from other people, when you want to calm your triggered instincts.

When a person moves into an Alpha brainwave state they are more relaxed, they will feel more creative and they hold a powerful state of memory. This is a very harmonious and peaceful state, excellent to calm the mind from stress, anxiety, panic, nervousness, anger, etc.


In nose - out nose (strong breathing) x 10 times, on the tenth inhale, hold your breath in for as long as possible until you can feel the body automatically deflating.

This exercise is great when you are struggling with feelings of numbness and dissociative state, confusion etc. For Mental Healing, it helps you to open up your intuition, your Higher Self connection.

You will get to feel more connected, have a sense of belonging.


In nose - out mouth x 10 times, on the tenth inhale, hold your breath in for as long as possible until you can feel the body automatically deflating.

This is a state that is very deep and good for the immune system to restore itself. Spiritual Crisis Healing, this is awesome for when you are working on ancestral karma that has surfaced in your life, such as negative cycles that keep coming up in generation after generation. Also healing of abuse, such as sexual or physical abuse, near death experiences, accidents and fear of living your purpose.

***You know you reached the right state when you are getting slightly dizzy, usually 10 deep breaths is enough, but some people need 13-15 breaths. Once you get a little dizzy, hold your breath in for as long as possible, let your body deflate on it's own. Then continue breathing naturally, remain in the calm state, eyes closed if possible for a minute for you to FEEL the effects of the exercise fully.

Above all of the mentioned exercises, there is one more, that many of you will be interested in the most! :) The Sacred G Breath!

If you want to activate the higher senses and abilities within the human body you need to increase your energy level and brain processing power. This breathing exercise generates a Gamma brainwave which has the highest neural oscillation in humans. The Gamma brainwave allows you to have unbelievably quick transformations, resolve huge conflicts, and make breakthroughs in a record time.


  1. In Mouth - Out Mouth
  2. In Mouth - Out Nose
  3. In Nose - Out Nose
  4. In Nose - Out Mouth


  1. In Mouth - Out Mouth
  2. In Mouth - Out Nose
  3. In Nose - Out Nose
  4. In Nose - Out Mouth

And Again

  1. In Mouth - Out Mouth
  2. In Mouth - Out Nose
  3. In Nose - Out Nose
  4. In Nose - Out Mouth

Over and over. Continue until you feel the effects. Then allow yourself to relax and enjoy the trip. As with everything, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

If you are intrigued, you are going to LOVE this YouTube track HERE taking you through this exercise with special effects of sounds, affirmations and visuals. <3

Let us know about your experience if you feel like sharing. :) <3

PS: Some people had trouble accessing the YouTube video that is linked above this image, so I uploaded it here for your convenience. All rights go to |, as listed at the end of the video. My pc can't seem to access those two websites though. Anyway. I hope you will find the video super helpful. I've had some mind-blowing experiences with this breathwork.

If you would like to watch this video with automatic translation subtitles in your own language, you can watch it on our YouTube channel as Unlisted HERE

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